MY next car that I've been working on for the last year is a 75 chevy nova hatchback only 5000 hatch backs made that year, the body has no rust. 454 big block, wild cam and ported heads @ 500-600 h.p. if I ever finish it I think it will run 10 seconds or better in the 1/4 mile. in the past I had a nice 56 chevy 2 door belair 283 cid that ran 12's with fuelie heads. and a 68 camaro 427 cid that ran high 10's . without slicks and it was street able. boy i miss these cars. I'm just an old gearhead. john
johnny cip
JoinedPosts by johnny cip
Dubs and doorbells -- has there been some "new light"?
by parakeet inthis afternoon my husband looked out the window and saw two unmistakable dubs shuffling up our street.
he didn't have time to warn me before they came to our door (he knows i get a bit testy whenever they visit).
i was in a nearby room, but heard nothing, saw nothing.
johnny cip
I see the opposite happen in my town , when jw's see me around. I'll watch jw's go to a door were there is no one home. then I show up on the sidewalk and the jw's go running back to door (where they know no one is there ) AND I just stand there and watch them pound/ knock/ ring that bell hoping I would leave. but I just stand there and call out no one's home, come talk to me I'll buy all your mag's and make you EARN YOUR TIME.
New York Times June 22, 1918
by Nathan Natas in================ text version below ==========.
20 years in prison for 7 russellites.
judge howe scores men who.
johnny cip
Nathan; nice work again. a lot of jw's today don't understand the laws in 1917 about freedom of speech . were much tougher than today. speaking out in a public way about the gov't in times of war was a prison sentence. based on the 1798 sedition act (john adams) and the 1917 espinonage act of 1917. these laws basically said printing newpapers or public speeches talking against wars that the united states was ingauged in was a criminal act. and punishable by jail time or exportation even death. don't be fooled by the wt here , there were 1000's of persons given jailed in 1917 and given 20 year prison terms just for speaking out against ww1 , 100's of newpapers were completely closed down by the US GOV'T in 1917, all for talking against the war. it wasn't till 1933 when FDR became president that he let out close to 1000 persons put in prison for speaking out against ww1 were all let out of jail. the wts was guilty of the laws of the UNITED STATED on the books at the time and got off easy. all anyone here has to do is GOOGLE THE 1917 ESPONAGE ACT and learn the wt was far from the only ones in trouble with the gov't during WW1 . john
A Jehovahs Witness just called on my door
by mouthy into invite me to the march 22nd do.
please pray for him.
i invited him in because it is so cold.. poor soul !!!!
johnny cip
Mouthy ; great work. you are truely blessed with the TRUTH... JOHN
Sextuplets seized from parents were not in danger . . .
by Lady Lee insextuplets seized from parents were not in danger, lawyer tells b.c.
terri theodore, the canadian press 29/02/2008 8:33:00 pm .
johnny cip
the gov't of canada. should put wt lawyer SHANE BRADY in prison for manslaughter.
Street Corner Witness
by Poztate inhas it come to an end ??
for many years in my small quiet community the main street was filled with faithful (dubs) putting in their time on the street but no longer... they would stand for hour after hour with the mags rarely making eye contact and more interested in talking to their companion...but the time still added up.. i remember as a young newlywed getting up at 5:30 on a saturday morning so we could start street corner work at 7:00 in a seedy part of a big city we then lived in.. we then rushed for the group effort at 9:15 and didn't complete our morning until 12:00 i am sure god was pleased with our efforts... how is the street corner work doing in your part of the world now ??
is it dying out ?
johnny cip
the reason i didn't post last week about my account at the food court with the jw's. Is I figured no one here would get it . and I was right, glad I didn't type out the whole story and waist my time. john
Street Corner Witness
by Poztate inhas it come to an end ??
for many years in my small quiet community the main street was filled with faithful (dubs) putting in their time on the street but no longer... they would stand for hour after hour with the mags rarely making eye contact and more interested in talking to their companion...but the time still added up.. i remember as a young newlywed getting up at 5:30 on a saturday morning so we could start street corner work at 7:00 in a seedy part of a big city we then lived in.. we then rushed for the group effort at 9:15 and didn't complete our morning until 12:00 i am sure god was pleased with our efforts... how is the street corner work doing in your part of the world now ??
is it dying out ?
johnny cip
street corner witnessing is a joke. wt zombies just stand there and hold a craptower over their chest. talk to next to no one and count time. that's all till I show up. I enguage the j dub standing at the train station and make them work. till they give up and leave. last week i had the un happy pleasure of having to go to the county court house. as fate would have it, the clerk told me my paper work would not be finished till after lunch. so i had an hour and a half to kill, thinking I would be bored and pissed off. not the case. I went into the FOOD COURT across from the county seat. and low and behold a dozen or so j'dub's working the lunch crowd. with 2 tables fulled with every wt tract you could think of. I was really thinking about pizza for lunch . but since kentucky fried chicken was right next to were the jw's set up shop , I got a taste for chicken while waiting on line for over 5 minutes i watched the jw's talk to no one. So i sat right at their table 2 piece greasy chicken and all and went to work. I wasted no time and sat next to the so called looking elder. and started asking him and the jw's if they follow only the BIBLE? This was fun as he would not answer the question honestly for 5 minutes. I started off by telling him he's dishonest just based on his answers. they haven't figured me out yet (thinking I'm some kind of fundy). and he was going to out talk me. I grabed his NWT. AND STARTED reading verses fron jn.about how you have to be born again. and believe in CHRIST as lord and savior means you will lived for ever.( all the time i'M wiping the chicken grease from my fingers all over his NWT.) LOL I'M HAVING FUN. SO THE JW tries to make a big deal about how jehovah sent his son. and starts rambling on and on about the name JEHOVAH. ( THE party is over and i put him i his place about the word JEHOVAH AND HOW SOME CATHOLIC MONK CAME UP WITH THE WORK 700 YEARS AGO UNDER THE ORDERS OF THE POPE TO DISPROVE YEHWAH AND ALLAH) these jw's still don't get it. I start asking about A RED LETTER BIBLE and who is speaking in the red letters. it took 7 of them 3 minutes to figure it out. and the youngest one there was over 50 yrs's old. I'm still chicken greasing up his NWT. WHEN I switch to the MEMORIAL. AND START READING john; 6;49-70 and i stop ever time JESUS say's IF ANY ONE EATS THE BREAD HE WILL LIVE FOR EVER AND THE PERSON THAT DON'T EAT THE BREAD AND WINE HAS NO LIFE IN HIMSELF. ( I EVEN GET OUT MY PEN AND UNDERLINE THE WORD ANYONE IN HIS NWT EVERY TIME IT COMES UP) AND ASK HIM to follow along with jesus and I show it to all the j dub's sitting there over and over. well they all rejected jesus' words. and pulled their NWT OUT OF MY HANDS. I made a big deal about how they follow a the teaching of men a reject jesus. at this point the pompus elder went over and got the security to throw me out of the food court. No luck the managment seems to know they sit there every day. and a little lesson about from me to the managment about what they really teach . and the jw's were getting asked to leave if they could not disrupt paying customers like me. I'm only telling 15 minutes of a story that went on for an hour and a half. THE NEXT HOUR WENT LIKE THe jw's just standing there peddling their tracts that next to no one wanted . and me EXPOSINGS ONE FALSE WT TEACHING AFTER AN OTHER. TILL THE JW'S LEFT. I'LL JUST SAY IT WAS THE BEST LUNCH I'VE HAD IN YEARS... it was like taking candy from a room ful of babies. john
Dispelling JW Myths: Faithful and Discreet Slave
by AuldSoul inmatthew 24:45-51 who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time?
happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so.
truly i say to you, he will appoint him over all his belongings.. .
johnny cip
Auld Soul; I have been using a varation of your 1914-1919 /fds arguement for years. and I understand all your points clearly. the problem is I have never met a jw's that can get past these Important points. no matter which way I present them. I make sure I embarrass jw's for knot knowing the HISTORY of 1914-1919 etc. and having never read a wt book from that time. long story short it's like SHOOTING FISH IN A BARRELL. And i use a shotgun. nice work . john
Firm and determined in this time of the end!
by dawg inremember that song, the thousands of examples of good jws standing up to the secular authorities?
we used to sing it "herman's determined" lol!.
i've been a member on this site for almost a year, why is it we allow our loved ones to keep us from taking a stand?
johnny cip
In the year of 2000 from janurary-june I lived in the back seat of a little nissan, worked and saved $2000 for and apt. sat and read the bible most every night with a few bottles of pabst blue ribbon. and still found time to go to a different hall once or twice a week. and kick the spritual nonsense out of any jw. elder, that would even en gauge me. I always learned to have my studies in the wt library with them. come with my referances, and start pulling books off their own library to prove my points that the wts. is a false prophet. trust me they hate it when you use thier own library of 'TRUTH" against them.
Firm and determined in this time of the end!
by dawg inremember that song, the thousands of examples of good jws standing up to the secular authorities?
we used to sing it "herman's determined" lol!.
i've been a member on this site for almost a year, why is it we allow our loved ones to keep us from taking a stand?
johnny cip
In the year of 2000 from janurary-june I lived in the back seat of a little nissan, worked and saved $2000 for and apt. sat and read the bible most every night with a few bottles of pabst blue ribbon. and still found time to go to a different hall once or twice a week. and kick the spritual nonsense out of any jw. elder, that would even en gauge me. I always learned to have my studies in the wt library with them. come with my referances, and start pulling books off their own library to prove my points that the wts. is a false prophet. trust me they hate it when you use thier own library of 'TRUTH" against them.